
Exact prices depend on the complexity of the job. Editing a long technical article requiring a lot of corrections will cost more than a short story with very few errors. Converting an e-book with pictures will cost more than one without.

Please enquire by sending an email to containing:

Hourly Rate Items

Line / Copy Editing

Proof Reading

E-book Conversion

Print Book Layout

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Two ISBNs for the same title (eg paperback & e-book)

Three ISBNs for the same title

High-resolution barcode from ISBN





£35 each (saving £54 on list price)



£10 each title (up to 3 ISBNs)

Prices are based on the standard rates from the Chartered Institute of Editors and Proofreaders and the National Union of Journalists.

ISBN Pricing

Every version of your book (such as paperback and e-book) needs a separate ISBN. Traditional publishers supply ISBNs as part of your book deal. Indie-publishers need to supply their own. There are three way to do this:

You can buy your own ISBN from your country’s distributor. In the UK, this is Nielsen. In the US it is Bowker. This will register you as a micro-publisher, but the ISBNs cost £89 each, so this is an expensive route.

You may be able to buy an ISBN from your indie-publishing platform. KDP offer ISBNs for free. However, these ISBNs will register your book as author-published and this can make bookshops refuse to stock your book. You cannot use these ISBNs to publish your book elsewhere.

The third option is to buy the right to use one of our ISBNs (subject to approval). You can then use that ISBN when you upload your book to any indie-publishing platform. Your book will be listed as published by Thomas Salt, which gives a more professional look.

As you can see, Thomas Salt ISBNs represent a substantial discount on buying your own ISBNs. We can offer this discount to indie authors because we bulk-buy from Nielsen. If you are publishing a paperback and an e-book version of your book, you can benefit from additional discounts.